22 March, 2019

The Best Action themed Jumbo Tote Bag

Sometimes the Best Action is no Reaction - themed Jumbo Tote Bag

This 100% cotton jumbo sized Tote Bag has a design panel symbolizing shimmering peaceful water, and the words - Sometimes the Best Action is No Reaction

Comments and opinions can intentionally, or unintentionally provoke negative emotions. Reacting in a negative way can cause the situation to escalate in an increasingly negative fashion.

Self-control and self-restraint in the face of intentional or unintentional provocation are signs of strong character. 

This design is a reminder that we as individuals, and society as a whole needs greater exercise of self-restraint and self-control.

The Bag is:
14.5" height of the bag
20" width of the bag
7"width of the base of the bag

It's a good size for shopping, and carrying necessities as you commute to work, school, university, hobbies, visiting friends etc. 

It is available here.

A jumbo sized Tote Bag with a design panel symbolizing shimmering peaceful water, and the words - Sometimes the Best Action is No Reaction MV

A jumbo sized Tote Bag with a design panel symbolizing shimmering peaceful water, and the words - Sometimes the Best Action is No Reaction FV

"tote bag", "jumbo size", "reusable shopping bag", "best action is no reaction", "grassroots message", patience, tolerance, inspiration, TheThinkProject2018