11 March, 2019

I want my Privacy and Liberty Back - Eagle theme Tote Bag

I want my Privacy and Liberty Back - Eagle themed Tote Bag

The Eagle is a well known symbol of Freedom. But the angry eagle on this tote bag (created in a word cloud of words related to privacy and liberty) - knows that Privacy and Liberty are closely related; and that these core components of freedom are being violated by totalitarian states and organisations.

The eagle (representing the values of the carrier of the bag, and all those who value Privacy and Liberty) gives the grassroots message -
I Want my Privacy and Liberty Back.

It is available here. https://www.zazzle.com/tote_bag_i_want_my_privacy_and_liberty_back_design-256372559252282399

Tote Bag with an Eagle created in a word cloud - I want my Privacy and Liberty Back CV

If you think it outrageous how your personal data is being spied upon and exploited by states, corporations and other special interest groups - and are angry over the agenda driven suppression of speech, and manipulation of online information; you might consider carrying this message on this tote bag.

Tote Bag with an Eagle created in a word cloud - I want my Privacy and Liberty Back DV

"exploitation of personal  information", "free speech", "free thought", "grassroots message", "tote bag", freedom, liberty, privacy, spying, thethinkproject2018,