10 March, 2019

Ethics themed Laptop Sleeve - A man without ethics is a wild beast

Ethics themed Laptop Sleeve - A man without ethics is a wild beast.

This laptop sleeve (which comes in 3 sizes) features howling wolves in the distance and the side of the face of a wolf close up, along with the words
A man without ethics is a wild beast

When it comes down to basics, a lot of the negative things in society today are due to people lacking an ethical backbone. The notion that you can do anything you want (regardless of the consequences on others) as long as you're sly about it, so you can away with it - is rampant.

The example set by elites, (especially politicians and government officials) is horrific.

At one time, ethics and other positive values - including honesty, integrity, tolerance, accountability, commitment, respect for others, self-disciple, dependability, a sense of fairness and compassion - and above all knowing the difference between right and wrong, and knowing the importance of doing what is right - was taught at home, in school and church.

For many families these days, both parents have to work. Teachers (vs students) are criticised for all manner of things by their parents. Church is increasingly becoming out of fashion. Children and youths are learning dubious values from Social MEdia and the entertainment industry - both of which profit from sensationalism and exploiting all the vices. 

Even adults are being brainwashed by internet based media, traditional media and the entertainment industry to believe that ethics and positive values are old hat. Every vice, violence, and endless wars are becoming "normalised" on TV series and in movies and other forms of entertainment. A loss of privacy (which is directly linked to liberty) is becoming "normalised" by traditional and online media. The notion that governments, and political and corporate interest groups etc can access our data (right down to our DNA) to exploit and manipulate us, is becoming normalised.

What are the effects of the growing lack of ethics? 

Loss of privacy, liberty and personal security, perpetual wars, increasing violence, and 3 ring circus politics around the world - with a choice of dishonest characters of various levels of vice and villainy. 

We are becoming ruled by governments full of predatory wolves.

Is it any wonder that the world is becoming increasingly like George Orwell's 1984? 

More and more wars; omnipresent government surveillance and manipulation of information; "Thought Police" suppression and outright censorship of free speech and free thought for "thoughtcrimes" - while inconvenient info is sent down the "memory hole". In the meantime, brazenly misleading politicians and officials (and media) deceive us with Fake News, doublespeak and newspeak disinformation, and outright propaganda.

We need to change this.

We, the grass roots - need to show our disapproval of the lack of ethics and positive values in society (especially amongst powerful and influential elites) and our disapproval of the promotion of unethical behaviour and negative values by media. 

Ethics and positive values need to be promoted from the grass roots - because we aren't getting good examples from a lot of those who lord over us; who want to exploit and manipulate us.

You can get a laptop sleeve with this ethics themed design here:

A laptop sleeve featuring wolves and the words -A man without ethics is a wild beast

"a man without ethics", "grass roots message", "is a wild beast", "laptop sleeve", "positive values", Ethics, thethinkproject2018,