10 March, 2019

Facts vs Bias themed Laptop Sleeve - Facts do not cease to exist because they are ignored

Facts vs Bias themed Laptop Sleeve - Facts do not cease to exist because they are ignored.

This laptop sleeve cover, features the head of a person (symbolically representing members of the public) whose eyes and ears are covered. A web of symbolic information surrounds the figure - along with the words
Facts do not cease to exist because they are ignored.

This design is about the conscious and unconscious choices we make to ignore facts that are unpleasant, worrisome, might cause us inconvenience or trouble, or don't fit our biases. 

Cognitive Bias is fundamentally a tendency to ignore core facts we don't like, and to cherry pick facts that confirm our biases. Cognitive bias is the reason there is a divide over things like climate change; and there are increasingly "Identity Politics" polarized political views, with a tendency towards negative labelling of those who don't share our own biases. 

Critical thinking is important to help counter cognitive bias - and to more objectively perceive and analyse facts. But even critical thinkers are subject to cognitive bias.

The search engines and social media platforms are able to track our cognitive biases, and potentially sell that information to parties who may exploit it. 

Cognitive bias makes us very susceptible to manipulation.

It seems highly likely that the turmoil going on around the world is due to the public being psychologically manipulated by parties who are aware of group cognitive biases, and exploit them - to control what people think and do.

In the end, the facts remain (unless the search engines have buried them) - whether we choose to accept the facts, or turn a blind eye and deaf ear to them.

The laptop sleeve with this conversation starter design, that is highly relevant to the growing divisiveness in society (which is likely largely a result of deliberate manipulation of our biases) is available here:


Laptop Sleeve with a facts vs bias theme featuring a person with covered eyes and ears

"cherry picked facts", "cognitive bias", "facts don't cease to exist", "identity politics", "laptop sleeve", "political bias", bias,