Cap with a - 1984 was not an instruction manual - theme
Cap with a - 1984 was not an instruction manual - theme
This baseball style hat features a pro-Privacy, anti Big Brother spying theme.
In the front panel of this design multiple eyes are symbolically staring through the grey mists of the Internet at everything we do that is connected to the Internet - along with the words "1984 was NOT supposed to be an instruction manual."
1984 was fiction, but we are actually living through a 1984 style totalitarian Big Brother era today.
If you want to say something about this, you can get this cap here:
The exploitative invasion of our privacy (by states and corporations) is not limited to our emails, browsing and shopping habits, they want our contacts and biometrics - right down to our DNA.
The Internet of Things means that your smart car, smart TV, smart watch, smart ear phones, smart fridge etc can spy on you in your own home - and you pay for losing your privacy and independence (due to being vulnerable to manipulation), in more ways than money.
Then there's drones. Its not just the government and corporations spying on you, now your neighbours, enemies and criminals can spy on you.
Isn't it time we talked about these things, and demand strict regulation to preserve privacy, liberty and security - important things that this epidemic of spying threatens?
You can find matching T-shirts in my store here: