11 March, 2019

Is Autonomous Artificial Intelligence Mankind's Final Invention - technology themed Man's T-Shirt

Is Autonomous Artificial Intelligence Mankind's Final Invention - Technology themed Man's T-Shirt

Will the Singularity occur within 10 years (as AI tech gurus think it will) - the point when supercomputers have at least the same level of intelligence as humans?

What happens after the Singularity, when artificially intelligent machines become more intelligent than human beings, and act autonomously? 

This man's black T-Shirt has a design with a human finger touching a humanoid robot finger symbolising the classic painting of the creation of man, with other symbols of code and creation. It features the words
Autonomous Artificial Intelligence
Mankind's Final Invention

If you want a conversation starter T-shirt with the theme of:
Is Autonomous Artificial Intelligence Mankind's Final Invention, you can find one at the following link.


Tech themed man's black T-Shirt with Autonomous Artificial Intelligence design theme

It is predicted (predictions should not be assumed to be the same as facts) that some time within the next 25 years - supercomputers will become super intelligent, and take control over the development of technology (and God knows what else.)

What will be the consequences of Autonomous Artificial Intelligence (originally created by human beings) on the human race?

There are likely to be some benefits to mankind (hopefully in terms of health) due to escalated research and development into many areas - but will this be limited to the very wealthy?

Currently a lot of research into artificial intelligence is reportedly being conducted by, or for, the weapons industries and militaries. There is sufficiently advanced work on Autonomous Killer Robots, that there is a global movement against this form of warfare. 

Autonomous Killer Robots coupled with recently reported surveillance research to find and ID humans with their backs turned and faces covered from meters away - in the hands of autonomous supertintelligent AI entities, that may regard humans as pests - what could possibly go wrong?

There is no stopping this exponentially increasing tide in technological advancement. The potential consequences on the human race are huge - and may be existential (ie may potentially lead to extinction of the human race).

If a profit focused company could choose between hiring a super-intelligent robot designed to do a job, over a human - who do you think would be hired? 

If a superintelligent supercomputer could control the Casino-like "Markets" - which are a massive form of financial betting - don't you think someone (if not themselves), driven by a profit or power agenda - would see that this happens?

Artificial super intelligent entities only likely needs would be power (and possibly water for cooling.) There are competing needs for these by humans. 
Who do you think would be given priority?

Would our "successors" - autonomous super-intelligent entities - have any use for mere humans? Would we be regarded as, and treated similar to how we treat ants?
Speaking of pests, remember - human beings are already developing Autonomous Killer Robots.

Tech themed man's black T-Shirt with Autonomous Artificial Intelligence design theme flat view

Many (thankfully not all) of the men and women behind this research and development likely see themselves like Gods. They don't care about ethics or the actual or potential negative consequences of what they are doing on the human race - let alone the consequences on privacy, liberty, democracy, free speech, free thought, human rights, etc. They might say they will, but they will never self-regulate. 

Shouldn't we be talking about this, and getting the grass roots message out that we want pro-active regulation of Big Tech, not expect them to self-regulate.

We need ethical people in power the world over - acting in the interest of not just their nations, but mankind as a species. The Singularity is near. Let's not sweep this matter under the carpet.

"artificial super-intelligence", "autonomous killer robots", "man's T-shirt", "mankind's final invention", "autonomous artificial intelligence", "The Singularity, TheThink Project2018,