12 March, 2019

I want my Privacy and Liberty Back Eagle themed Laptop Cover

I Want my Privacy and Liberty Back - Eagle themed Laptop Cover

The Eagle is a well known symbol of Freedom. This Eagle is created as a word cloud (and symbolises the values of those who respect Privacy and Liberty, and understand how closely linked Privacy and Liberty are) - with the grassroots message -
I Want my Privacy and Liberty Back

Laptop Sleeve with an Eagle created as a Word Cloud and Privacy and Liberty Theme FV

This conversation starter laptop sleeve is available here. https://www.zazzle.com/laptop_sleeve_i_want_my_privacy_and_liberty_back-124097346672504850

The symbolic Eagle on this laptop sleeve is making a statement about how Privacy and Liberty have been undermined by totalitarian regimes; and now this totalitarian approach is spreading to western Democracies; with dire consequences on Democracy, and a resultant growing trend towards totalitarianism.

Besides being spied upon, and having our data exploited, in some cases right down to our DNA - Big Brother Browsers are chilling free speech, as they suppress and censor ideas they don't like, and manipulate information the public sees, so they can control what the public thinks and does. This is what you'd expect in totalitarian regimes, not in countries that value Liberty. It is impossible to be free without Privacy.

Power corrupts and attracts the corrupt. We have already seen the obstacles that people in positions of power (politicians, powerful govt officials, Big Tech and other corporations who profit from this situation) have made to entrench and broaden surveillance of innocent people, exploit our data, and manipulate the information that they are exposed to - to control what we think or do.

The tide towards positive change - and a resurgence of Privacy, Liberty and Democracy (vs totalitarianism) has to come from the grassroots, ordinary people like us. 

We have to get the conversation going - and remember, while we still are free to vote:
We voted in the folks who passed laws to enable this.
We can vote them out.

Laptop Sleeve with an Eagle created as a Word Cloud and Privacy and Liberty Theme OV

"exploitation of personal data", "free speech", "free thought", "laptop sleeve", "laptop cover", democracy, grassroots, liberty, privacy, spying, thethinkproject2018,