The Singularity and Transhumanism themed Woman's T-Shirt
This woman's T-Shirt features a design panel with a humanoid head and superimposed strands of DNA, computer code and other symbols of the transformation process between technology and humans.
It includes the words:
The Singularity and Transhumanism
The Beginning?
Or the End?
Or the Beginning of the End?
It's about potential massive changes to the human race, as we know it (if not the extinction of the human species).
Research is overtly and likely covertly going on into this now.
You can get this conversation starter T-Shirt here. 👇
The technological Singularity is the theory that the artificial intelligence of super computers will reach the same level as humans (it's predicted this will occur within 10 years), following which super-intelligent artificial intelligence entities will commence an autonomous cycle of self-improvement - with unpredictable consequences on the human race.
It is predicted (predictions are not the same as facts) that an explosive autonomous super-intelligence self-improvement cycle by super-intelligent artificial intelligence entities is likely to commence just 20-25 years from now.
As proponents of self-improvement and body modification, (including gender transitioning) - Transhumanists favour using technologies and techniques that improve cognitive and physical performance, including artificia intelligence.
There is a growing movement of Transhumanists who believe human beings may eventually be able to incorporate technology to transform themselves into different beings with abilities
so greatly expanded from the current condition, as to merit the label of Posthuman beings (and eventually supplement or supersede the human race).
Transhumanists are already arguing that technologically improved transhumans should have the same rights as humans. The fact that their technologically enhanced physical and mental prowess is likely to add a further threat to equal opportunity in human employment, sport or entertainment etc is an ethical matter. Transhumanists seem to regard objections on the grounds of ethics as luddite type think.
Some transhuman advocates imagine they will become immortal, and like Gods. It would be preposterous to think that that industry would self-regulate, or that it cares one iota about the vast majority of the human race - who are unlikely to be turned into new and improved Deus Ex Machina posthumans.
Like what happened with surveillance leading to the profound loss of privacy and liberty globally and globally evolving Big Brother totalitarianism - research and development into the Singularity and Transhumanism is happening covertly.
The reality is that we are likely to be gradually drawn into accepting transhumanism (or not objecting to it - thereby enabling it).
For example, we already have mechanical joint replacements, lens to treat cataracts and hearing aids - so the transition to "smart joints" or smart ears or smart eyes is easy to imagine. "A new and improved you" is how transhumanism tech will likely be sold. If it is relatively inexpensive it will likely become relatively widely used. To be truthful, I'd be keen on a new and improved body.
But transhumanism is likely to add an additional class factor in the numbers of things that divide us.
Those with a God complex don't care about the consequences of what they do - on the rest of us. Like those working on artificial super-intelligence, it is likely that most of those working on transhumanism cannot be trusted to regulate themselves.
The dinosaurs were not responsible for the demise of their species.
It may not be possible to say that the human race was not responsible for it's own demise.
We should be getting better informed about what is going on, encouraging the good - and demanding regulation of the bad. There is a lot to think about and talk about - because if the predictions are correct, within 25 years - we are likely to see a real change in the status of the human race - and it may not be for the better for most people.
"artificial super-intelligence", "technological singularity", "technology theme", "the singularity", "woman's T-Shirt", posthumans, thethinkproject2018, Transhumanism, futurism