The Singularity, The Race between Man vs Artificial Intelligence - Ball Cap
A conversation starter design, featuring The Singularity - and the race between mankind and autonomous, super-intelligent, Artificial Intelligence entities - which are predicted to exist within 25 years.
Artificial Intelligence guru Ray Kurzweil predicts that supercomputers' artificial intelligence will reach the maximum level of human intelligence within 10 years; and exceed human intelligence 1 billion times within 25 years, due to exponential growth in AI. This is called The Singularity.
It has been predicted that artificial super-intelligence (ASI) will trigger unpredictable changes to human civilization.
You can buy this conversation starter ball cap here.↴

Genetically modified super babies, trans-humanism and even trans-species are amongst the predictions.
Will the human race, as we know it, survive?
There are predicted benefits; but many leaders in science and technology, including the late Stephen Hawkings, Ray Kurzweil, Bill Gates, Elon Musk etc have warned about the potential negative consequences.
This train has left the station. It is already in progress.
Autonomous killer robots are already in phases of research and development.
Think about that.
Shouldn't we be talking about the implications of AI entities potentially eliminating humans from most jobs and just about everything? Should we be concerned about the evolution of a Super Class, of not just genetically engineered babies, but people who are part machine?
Shouldn't there be ethical oversight, transparency and regulation of this nationally and internationally? We can't afford to turn a blind eye to this.