23 January, 2019

AntiWar Theme When your favourite tool is a hammer Mans TShirt

Anti-war design theme man's T-Shirt - When your favourite tool is a hammer, everything looks like a nail.

This is an anti-war design theme T-Shirt that speaks to the insatiable appetite for war of imperialist war mongers (whatever country they might hail from).

When your favourite tool is a hammer, everything looks like a nail.

If you don't think we should be continuing to contribute to the deaths, maiming, disease, extreme poverty, homelessness and despair of innocent people through imperialistic, utterly undemocratic, regime change, wars; which are creating a global refugee crisis and fueling divisiveness - you can say something about it; in what you wear, or what you carry, or what you hang on your wall.

TheThinkProject2018 is more than a fashion design project. It was created as an opportunity for us, the grass roots, to let the elites who rule over us know what we think.

If you are interested, this T-shirt is currently available in multiple sizes from size small to plus sizes. You can also choose the background colour of the T-shirt here👇


Aircraft drop nail like bombs that spell out WAR on a Man's T-Shirt w anti-war - When your favourite tool is a hammer design

Planes drop nail like bombs that spell WAR on a Man's T-Shirt w anti-war - When your favourite tool is a hammer - design 2