12 February, 2019

Baseball Cap with "A man without ethics is a Wild Beast" I - design theme

Baseball cap with - A man without ethics is a wild beast - design theme.

This is a baseball style cap with - A man without ethics is a wild beast - design theme.

Isn't it time we made it clear in our words and in our actions, and in the messages we display in what we wear and what we carry - that we are fed up with being ruled by self-serving, untruthful, untrustworthy, conscienceless, unethical wolves?

This cap is available here:

The watermark is to protect my IP and isn't on the cap.

Black and white Wolf theme Ball Cap with a panel with howling wolves and the words - A man without ethics is a wild beast

Black and white Wolf theme Ball Cap with a panel with howling wolves and the words - A man without ethics is a wild beast b

Black and white Wolf theme Ball Cap with a panel with howling wolves and the words - A man without ethics is a wild beast c

Unethical members of the power elite make slick talking empty promises, but do what they always do - act in the interest of themselves and their big money cronies. 

The wolves at the top won't change their tactics until enough ethical people with integrity are voted in - and have the moral courage to make meaningful changes to laws.

Laws need to heavily penalize dishonest law-makers and officials. All forms of corruption (including pay to play, influence peddling, political insider financial activity etc) must be made illegal, no loopholes allowed. 

Leopards don't change their spots. Those who engage in corrupt activity (whether politicians, government officials or their cronies) should be subject to heavy penalties, jail time, and a restriction from ever politically running for government, or working for government directly (or as a contractor, adviser or in any lobbyist type position).

And how about laws that require transparency (and have limits on the amount of money spent) on corporate and social media?

No government represents "We the people", if all they care about are the wants and demands of corporate lobbyists and special interests (domestic and global).

Laptop Sleeve - Man vs Artificial SuperIntelligence - The Race is on

Laptop Sleeve - Man vs Artificial SuperIntelligence - The Race is on

This conversation starter laptop sleeve design was inspired by The Singularity - a subject the general public knows little about; yet it is predicted that mankind is liable to experience the consequences of The Singularity within 10-25 years.

The Singularity is a hypothesis (theory) of computer gurus that Artificial Superintelligence (ASI) will abruptly trigger runaway technological growth - because once AI machines exceed human intelligence (predicted to occur in less than 10 years) - ASI entities could and likely would take autonomous control of their growth, resulting in unpredictable effects on human civilization.

You can get this conversation starter laptop sleeve in 3 sizes here:

The Singularity, Autonomous Artificial SuperIntelligence design laptop sleeve - design shows a symbolic AI entity ready to race against man

The Singularity, Autonomous Artificial SuperIntelligence design laptop sleeve - design shows a symbolic AI entity ready to race against man b

In the 2010s, public figures such as Stephen Hawking and Elon Musk expressed concern that full artificial intelligence could result in human extinction. 

There are already autonomous killer robots in research and development mode. Think about that.

Computerised implants to treat various conditions are already under research and development; and there are groups already advocating for the rights of trans-humans.

In my opinion it is impossible to hold back technological development, which is currently in a runaway mode - with research more geared towards weapons of mass destruction, than benefiting society as a whole.

Shouldn't we be talking about this and insist our elected representatives create laws to protect us - and insure that the human race benefits from this technology in a positive way vs the human race as we know it, potentially being made extinct by technology?

You can find T-shirts with this conversation starter The Singularity design (and a cap with it on it) at my store here:

Cap with a - 1984 was not an instruction manual - theme

Cap with a - 1984 was not an instruction manual - theme

Cap with a - 1984 was not an instruction manual - theme

This baseball style hat features a pro-Privacy, anti Big Brother spying theme.

In the front panel of this design multiple eyes are symbolically staring through the grey mists of the Internet at everything we do that is connected to the Internet - along with the words "1984 was NOT supposed to be an instruction manual."

1984 was fiction, but we are actually living through a 1984 style totalitarian Big Brother era today. 

If you want to say something about this, you can get this cap here:

Cap with spying eyes -1984 was not an instruction manual - design on the front - Eyes spy through the Internet at us

Cap with spying eyes -1984 was not an instruction manual - design on the front - Eyes spy through the Internet at us b

Cap with spying eyes -1984 was not an instruction manual - design on the front - Eyes spy through the Internet at us c

The exploitative invasion of our privacy (by states and corporations) is not limited to our emails, browsing and shopping habits, they want our contacts and biometrics - right down to our DNA.

The Internet of Things means that your smart car, smart TV, smart watch, smart ear phones, smart fridge etc can spy on you in your own home - and you pay for losing your privacy and independence (due to being vulnerable to manipulation), in more ways than money.

Then there's drones. Its not just the government and corporations spying on you, now your neighbours, enemies and criminals can spy on you.

Isn't it time we talked about these things, and demand strict regulation to preserve privacy, liberty and security - important things that this epidemic of spying threatens?

You can find matching T-shirts in my store here:

10 February, 2019

Dishonesty, Opportunism and Corruption are Like a River T-Shirt

A T-shirt with an ethics focused design - equating dishonesty, opportunism and corruption with a winding river. 

This T-shirt features a winding river cutting through a valley (symbolising paths of least resistance, and opportunistic, exploitative behaviour); crossed fingers symbolising dishonesty, Machiavellianism, corruption and other forms of crookedness; a clock symbolising time; and the words: 
Like a river, those who choose the path of least resistance, may with time, become crooked.


T-Shirt with a - Choosing a path of least resistance leads to crookedness theme. Crossed fingers, winding river

T-Shirt with a - Choosing a path of least resistance leads to crookedness theme. Crossed fingers, winding riverb

The Opposite of Courage is Apathy and Unquestioning Conformity Woman's T-Shirt

The Opposite of Courage is Apathy, and Unquestioning Conformity - Woman's T-Shirt

This is a woman's T-Shirt with a focus on independent thought and critical thinking. The design features the hand of a suited man pulling the strings of a puppet, as another person looks off into space. 

It includes the words: 'The Opposite of Courage is Conformity.'

If you think apathy, lack of critical thinking, and unquestioning conformity are enabling the evolving Big Brother dystopia we are living in, you can show it by wearing this T Shirt, available here.

Woman's white T shirt with a puppeteer controlling a puppet theme - Apathy and unquestioning conformity are not courageous

07 February, 2019

1984 Orwellian anti Big Brother Spying Theme Shoulder Tote Bag

1984, Orwellian, anti Big Brother Spying Theme, Shoulder Tote Bag

This anti Big Brother spying, pro Privacy and Freedom theme, shoulder length tote bag, features multiple eyeballs of various sizes peering through the internet at everything we do; and the words: '1984 was not supposed to be an Instruction Manual.' on both sides of the bag.

Criminals who are on ankle bracelet surveillance, have their movements monitored. How are we different from them?

Anyone who cannot escape prying eyes and manipulation; or is forced to allow spying in order to obtain information, or to communicate, or to use a product in the course of activities of daily living - is a prisoner, not free.

We need to talk about this. That's the reason for this conversation starter design. Show what you think about this state of affairs. ↴


This tote bag has an adjustable long strap so it can fit across the body, making it more practical for visiting or commuting to school, work or hobbies etc. 

1984 was not an instruction manual Anti Spying Design Theme on a Shoulder Tote Bag - design with eyes spying through Internet

1984 was not an instruction manual Anti Spying Design Theme on a Shoulder Tote Bag - design with eyes spying through Internet

The Zazzle products with my designs are not mass produced. (Though I'd be delighted if someone wanted to negotiate to buy a lot or mass produce any of my designs).

They are made on order, to your size specification (so they do take longer to get than something mass produced and in stock). Depending on the product, if you wish, you can customise and choose other available background colours.

Various other of my TheThinkProject2018 designs can be found in my Zazzle Designer store at https://www.zazzle.com/thethinkproject2018

05 February, 2019

Anti Big Brother Spying Orwellian theme Mans TShirt

Anti Big Brother Spying, Orwellian theme, Man's T-Shirt

This anti Big Brother spying, Orwellian themed man's T-Shirt features multiple eyeballs of various sizes peering through the internet at everything we do; and the words: '1984 was not supposed to be an instruction manual.'

Criminals who are on ankle bracelet surveillance have their movements monitored. How are we different from them?

Anyone who cannot escape prying eyes and manipulation; or who is forced to allow spying in order to obtain information, or to communicate, or to use a product in the course of activities of daily living - is a prisoner, not free.

Show your opinion, and help start the conversation. ⇩


If you are interested in buying any of my other products at my Zazzle Designer store (TheThinkProject2018), make sure you write in the sale code of the day (usually at the top of the page) to get the corresponding discount. 

My Zazzle Designer Store is at

1984 was not an instruction manual, Anti Spying Design with symbolic eyes peering through the Internet on a Man's T-Shirt

1984 was not an instruction manual, Anti Spying Design with symbolic eyes peering thru Internet on Man's T-Shirt b

04 February, 2019

Gold Fish aren't Free: Anti-Spying Pro-Liberty Woman's T-Shirt

Gold Fish aren't Free: An Anti-Spying, Pro-Liberty, Woman's T-Shirt

Gold Fish have no privacy. 

Criminals who are on ankle bracelet surveillance monitors have their movements monitored. The ankle bracelet is a sign that they are prisoners, and not free.

Think about that, and compare it with the constant monitoring of online behaviour, and the tracking of location and activities of ordinary innocent people - by governments and corporations. 

The Internet of Things means that your electricity monitor, your watch, your car, your fridge and your TV etc will also monitor your activity (even your speech) and store that data somewhere; and then exploit it for profit or to manipulate your behaviour. 

How are we that different from prisoners in their ankle bracelets?

Governments and corporations want access to all parts of our lives - right down to our DNA. How can there be privacy or liberty or personal security under such invasive and oppressive circumstances?

Isn't it time to speak out against Big Brother surveillance, and the thought policing of innocent people? Isn't it time we demand governments do something major to end un-warranted spying, and the exploitative use of our personal data?

Anyone or anything that so lacks independence, that they cannot escape prying eyes and manipulation; or is forced to allow spying in order to obtain information, or to communicate, or to use a product in the course of activities of daily living - is a prisoner, not free.

Innocent people, the world over, who are spied upon, are not truly free. 
(Covert mass surveillance does occur, thanks to collaborative ["I'll spy on your lot, if you spy on mine"] schemes by various states and corporations - that allow their agencies to get around rules that are supposed to protect the privacy of ordinary citizens who have done nothing wrong.)

The widespread exploitative spying by governments and corporations is an absolute scandal.

Without privacy, liberty cannot exist. 
Isn't it time to get more conversation going on the vital link between privacy and liberty?

Women's T-Shirts with this design can be bought here (available size permitting) in sizes Small through 5X plus sizes ⇩


(Note - the watermark is to protect my IP and is not on the actual product)

Gold Fish Aren't Free, A Pro Privacy, Pro Liberty design theme with eyes spying on gold fish, woman's white T Shirt

Gold Fish Aren't Free, A Pro Privacy, Pro Liberty design theme with eyes spying on gold fish, woman's white T Shirt b

Gold Fish Aren't Free: Anti-Spying, Pro-Liberty, Men's T-Shirt

Gold Fish aren't Free: An Anti-Spying, Pro-Liberty, Man's T-Shirt

Gold Fish have no privacy. 

Criminals who are on ankle bracelet surveillance monitors have their movements monitored. The ankle bracelet is a sign that they are prisoners, and not free.

Think about that, and compare it with the constant monitoring of online behaviour, and the tracking of location and activities of ordinary innocent people - by governments and corporations. 

The Internet of Things means that your electricity monitor, your watch, your car, your fridge and your TV etc will also monitor your activity (even your speech) and store that data somewhere; and then exploit it for profit or to manipulate your behaviour. 

How are we that different from prisoners in their ankle bracelets?

Governments and corporations want access to all parts of our lives - right down to our DNA. How can there be privacy or liberty or personal security under such invasive and oppressive circumstances?

Isn't it time to speak out against Big Brother surveillance, and the thought policing of innocent people? Isn't it time we demand governments do something major to end un-warranted spying, and the exploitative use of our personal data?

Anyone or anything that so lacks independence, that they cannot escape prying eyes and manipulation; or is forced to allow spying in order to obtain information, or to communicate, or to use a product in the course of activities of daily living - is a prisoner, not free.

Innocent people, the world over, who are spied upon, are not truly free. 
(Covert mass surveillance does occur, thanks to collaborative ["I'll spy on your lot, if you spy on mine"] schemes by various states and corporations - that allow their agencies to get around rules that are supposed to protect the privacy of ordinary citizens who have done nothing wrong.)

The widespread exploitative spying by governments and corporations is an absolute scandal.

Without privacy, liberty cannot exist. 
Isn't it time to get more conversation going on the vital link between privacy and liberty?

Men's T-Shirts with this design can be bought here (available size permitting) in sizes Small through 5X plus sizes.


(Note - the watermark is to protect my IP and is not on the actual product)

Gold Fish Aren't Free, A Pro Privacy, Pro Liberty design theme with eyes spying on gold fish, man's white T Shirt

Gold Fish Aren't Free, A Pro Privacy, Pro Liberty design theme with eyes spying on gold fish, man's white T Shirt b

Yellow Frangipani Designer High Top Sneakers

Yellow Frangipani tropical design High Top Sneakers for fashionable but practical commuters

These high top sneakers have canvas tops and rubber soles. The body of these sneakers has a in a bright yellow (with cream and white tones) tropical frangipani (also known as plumeria) on green frangipani leaves. The toe, tongue and bottom are white.

Subject to availability, they come in US sizes 4-13 Men's | 6-15 Women's, and can be ordered here ⇩


High Top sneakers with a tropical yellow frangipani on green leaves design with white toe. tongue and sole

Back View High Top sneakers with a tropical yellow frangipani on green leaves design with white toe. tongue and sole

Fake News Misinformation and Propaganda Mislead Woman's Pro-truth T-Shirt

Fake News, Misinformation and Propaganda Distort Truth, Woman's Pro-Truth T-Shirt

Make a statement about the anti-Liberty, deceptive effects of Fake News (where opinion and speculation are presented as if it is fact), Misinformation (where incomplete, cherry picked or incorrect information is given - sometimes unwittingly, but often wittingly to brain wash the public over an agenda); and Propaganda (agenda driven lies of omission and commission, used to push an agenda or attack an opponent).

Purveyors of misleading information often include elements of truth to try to convince the public - but it is distorted truth. The objective is to keep the public misinformed, in such a way that they think and act like the powers that be want them to think and act. Such a public is not free. They are like herded sheep.

This woman's T-Shirt is available here, while stock sizes last, in size small through to 3X Plus sizes.


Fake News, Misinformation and Propaganda Distort Truth themed woman's white T-Shirt b

Fake News, Misinformation and Propaganda Distort Truth themed woman's white T-Shirt

Fake News Misinformation and Propaganda Distort Truth Pro-Truth T-Shirt

Fake News, Misinformation and Propaganda, Distort Truth - Pro-Truth Man's T-Shirt

Make a statement about what you think about misleading media.

This T-shirt has a design panel with distorted spirals (symbolising agenda driven narratives that distort truth - in order to mislead, influence and control the public) along with the words:
Fake News, Misinformation and Propaganda Distort Truth.

Depending on the background colour, it is usually available in men's size range Small through 5X. The background colour of the T-shirt can be customised. It is available here ⇓


Fake News, Misinformation and Propaganda Distort Truth themed man's black T-Shirt

Fake News, Misinformation and Propaganda Distort Truth themed man's black T-Shirt b

03 February, 2019

Free Speech is vital for Freedom Designer T-Shirt

Free Speech and Free Thought are vital for Freedom - Designer T-Shirt

Free Speech is vital for Freedom Designer T-Shirt

This is a T-Shirt that features a Freedom and Free Speech theme.

This design effectively gives the message that the Orwellian censorship of Free Speech, on the basis that something one says might possibly offend someone or some group - is a tool of Orwellian totalitarianism.

This T-shirt design is available for men and women in a range of sizes from small to plus sizes in my Truth, Ethics, Democracy, Liberty designer collection.

The men's style is available here:


It is not possible to be free when one is not allowed to say what one thinks; and through agenda driven, Big Brother manipulation of information, one is brain washed into restricting what one says to whatever Big Brother and its cronies allow.

Free Speech was not protected under the US Constitution or Universal Human Rights to protect opinions we like. Opinions we like or agree with don't need protection. Anyone offended by a comment may construe that comment as hate speech. Political Correctness is an Orwellian, Totalitarian tool.

Freedom requires Free Speech.

We must be able to think for ourselves, and say what we think out loud; whether we are right or wrong, serious or silly, or we offer praise or criticism.
- DE Sheridan

This is part of my Truth, Ethics, Democracy Liberty Designer collection, available here:


Liberty theme TShirt We must be able to think for ourselves and say what we think

Man's T-Shirt with a Freedom requires free speech theme, with a flying eagle

In addition, you can customise the background colour.
If you are interested in buying any of my products at my Zazzle Designer store (TheThinkProject2018), make sure you write in the sale code of the day (usually at the top of the page) to get the corresponding discount.
My Zazzle Designer store is at https://www.zazzle.com/thethinkproject2018

31 January, 2019

The Singularity The Race between Man vs Artificial Intelligence Ball Cap

The Singularity, The Race between Man vs Artificial Intelligence - Ball Cap

A conversation starter design, featuring The Singularity - and the race between mankind and autonomous, super-intelligent, Artificial Intelligence entities - which are predicted to exist within 25 years.

Artificial Intelligence guru Ray Kurzweil predicts that supercomputers' artificial intelligence will reach the maximum level of human intelligence within 10 years; and exceed human intelligence 1 billion times within 25 years, due to exponential growth in AI. This is called The Singularity.

It has been predicted that artificial super-intelligence (ASI) will trigger unpredictable changes to human civilization.

You can buy this conversation starter ball cap here.↴


Blue and White Ball Cap with word cloud AI entity in race against man Singularity theme

Genetically modified super babies, trans-humanism and even trans-species are amongst the predictions. 

Will the human race, as we know it, survive?

There are predicted benefits; but many leaders in science and technology, including the late Stephen Hawkings, Ray Kurzweil, Bill Gates, Elon Musk etc have warned about the potential negative consequences.

This train has left the station. It is already in progress.
Autonomous killer robots are already in phases of research and development.
Think about that.

Shouldn't we be talking about the implications of AI entities potentially eliminating humans from most jobs and just about everything? Should we be concerned about the evolution of a Super Class, of not just genetically engineered babies, but people who are part machine?

Shouldn't there be ethical oversight, transparency and regulation of this nationally and internationally? We can't afford to turn a blind eye to this.

Blue and white ball cap, Word cloud design symbolising race between AI and man

29 January, 2019

Tropical Frangipani design Plus Size Womens short sleeves TShirt

Tropical Abstract floral Frangipani design, Plus Size, Women's short sleeves T-Shirt

This woman's T-Shirt features a tropical floral design, as a panel on the front. There is an abstract swirl of yellow and cream frangipani flowers, amongst green leaves. Frangipani are also known as Plumeria.

It comes in US sizes
1X (14-16)
2X (18-20)
3X (22-24)
4X (26-28)

It can be ordered here ↴


Many of the women's T-shirt designs in TheThinkProject2018 Zazzle store ( https://www.zazzle.com/thethinkproject2018 ) come in plus sizes.

However there is a product range specifically designed for full figure women, and this is one of them.

White plus size T-Shirt with front panel of yellow frangipani plumeria on green leaves

Steampunk style Tempus Fugit theme Womens Sleeveless racerback Tank Top

Steampunk style, Tempus Fugit theme, women's sleeveless racerback tank top

This women's sleeveless, racerback tank top, features a Steampunk style design panel on the front, with a Tempus Fugit (Time Flies) theme.

The idea behind this theme is that we should not waste time fretting about the past, or worrying about the future. Take care of the present, and get what you want or need to do, done - on a day by day basis.

It is available in sizes small to 2X here ↴


White tank top, ront panel with steam punk time style traveller and Tempus Fugit

Tank top Front panel has Steam Punk style Time Traveller and words Tempus Fugit

Back view of white racerback style tank on young woman

Rosa Rose theme Acrylic Key Chain with design on both sides

Rosa theme, abstract red rose design, acrylic key chain, with the design on both sides

This key chain has an attractive 2 inch round acrylic disk at the end of the chain. The disk features an abstract swirl of red roses and the word Rosa.

Rosa is the botanical name of roses (which come in a wide variety of colours, though red is a common favourite.) Many Gardeners include roses in their garden.

Rosa is also one of the most beautiful names in the Italian, Spanish and Portuguese languages.


Front view of 2 inch round tag on keychain with word Rosa and roses on both sides

2 inch acrylic disk on a key chain with a cluster of red roses and the word Rosa

Rosa Red Roses Womans TShirt

Rosa, Red Roses Woman's T-Shirt

This T-shirt features an abstract cluster of red roses, with the word Rosa.

Rosa is also one of the most beautiful names in the Italian, Spanish and Portuguese languages. 

Rosa is also the botanical name of roses (which come in a wide variety of colours, though red is a common favourite.) Many Gardeners include roses in their garden.

A red rose is considered a symbol of love (and also a symbol of courage).

The T-Shirt is available here in women's sizes small through to up to 3X in plus sizes ↴

Rosa Red Roses Girls TShirt

Rosa Red Roses Girl's T-Shirt

This T-shirt features an abstract cluster of red roses, with the word Rosa.

Rosa is the botanical name of roses (which come in a wide variety of colours, though red is a common favourite.) Many Gardeners include roses in their garden.

Rosa is also one of the most beautiful names in the Italian, Spanish and Portuguese languages. 

A red rose is considered a symbol of love (and also a symbol of courage).The T-Shirt is available here in youth sizes XS to L↴


Girl with white T-Shirt, Front panel has red rose clusters and the word Rosa on black

Girl's T-Shirt with Designer front panel with red roses and the word Rosa

28 January, 2019

Cuisine Queen theme Tote Bag with Shoulder length strap

Cuisine Queen theme Tote Bag with a shoulder length strap

This is a shopping bag with an adjustable shoulder length strap - with a Cuisine Queen theme on both sides. 

It would be a practical conversation-starter accessory - for any cook, chef or foodie, to take shopping or commuting (or to carry recipe books, or stash those special gadgets in).

Its available here.

Black Shoulder Tote Bag with a jewelled gold crown on a red and gold cushion, labelled Cuisine Queen.

Black Shoulder Tote Bag with a jewelled gold crown on a red and gold cushion, labelled Cuisine Queen.

Kitchen King theme Shoulder Tote Bag

Kitchen King theme Shoulder Tote Bag

This is a shopping bag with an adjustable shoulder length strap - with a Kitchen King theme on both sides. 

It would be a practical conversation-starter accessory - for any cook, chef or foodie, to take shopping or commuting (or to carry recipe books, or stash those special gadgets in).

Its available here.↴


Black Shoulder Tote Bag with a panels featuring a jewelled gold crown on a red and gold cushion, labelled Kitchen King.

Black Shoulder Tote Bag with a jewelled gold crown on a red and gold cushion, labelled Kitchen King.b

Cuisine Queen theme Womans TShirt

Cuisine Queen theme Womans TShirt

Cuisine Queen theme Woman's T-Shirt

This is a Cuisine Queen theme, woman's T-shirt for the chief cook, chef or foodie (or wanna be Cooking Queen).

The design is on both the back and front, but is smaller and higher on the front, so it can be better seen when wearing an apron.

It is available here in sizes small to 3X (plus size). You can also select an alternative background colour.

Woman's black T-shirt with a panel on back featuring a jewelled gold crown on a  cushion labelled Cuisine Queen

Woman's black T-shirt with a panel on front featuring a jewelled gold crown on a  cushion labelled Cuisine Queen

Kitchen King theme Man's T-Shirt

Kitchen King theme Man's T-Shirt

This is a Kitchen King theme, man's T-shirt for the chief cook, chef or foodie (or wanna be Kitchen King).

The design is on both the back and front, but is shorter on the front, so it can be better seen when wearing an apron.

It is available here in sizes small to 4X (plus size). You can also select an alternative background colour.


Man's black T-shirt back, with panel featuring a jewelled gold crown on a  cushion labelled Kitchen King

Man's black T-shirt front with panel featuring a jewelled gold crown on a  cushion labelled Kitchen King

Man's black T-shirt back, with panel featuring a jewelled gold crown on a  cushion labelled Kitchen King b