04 February, 2019

Fake News Misinformation and Propaganda Mislead Woman's Pro-truth T-Shirt

Fake News, Misinformation and Propaganda Distort Truth, Woman's Pro-Truth T-Shirt

Make a statement about the anti-Liberty, deceptive effects of Fake News (where opinion and speculation are presented as if it is fact), Misinformation (where incomplete, cherry picked or incorrect information is given - sometimes unwittingly, but often wittingly to brain wash the public over an agenda); and Propaganda (agenda driven lies of omission and commission, used to push an agenda or attack an opponent).

Purveyors of misleading information often include elements of truth to try to convince the public - but it is distorted truth. The objective is to keep the public misinformed, in such a way that they think and act like the powers that be want them to think and act. Such a public is not free. They are like herded sheep.

This woman's T-Shirt is available here, while stock sizes last, in size small through to 3X Plus sizes.


Fake News, Misinformation and Propaganda Distort Truth themed woman's white T-Shirt b

Fake News, Misinformation and Propaganda Distort Truth themed woman's white T-Shirt