Gold Fish aren't Free: An Anti-Spying, Pro-Liberty, Man's T-Shirt
Gold Fish have no privacy.
Criminals who are on ankle bracelet surveillance monitors have their movements monitored. The ankle bracelet is a sign that they are prisoners, and not free.
Think about that, and compare it with the constant monitoring of online behaviour, and the tracking of location and activities of ordinary innocent people - by governments and corporations.
The Internet of Things means that your electricity monitor, your watch, your car, your fridge and your TV etc will also monitor your activity (even your speech) and store that data somewhere; and then exploit it for profit or to manipulate your behaviour.
How are we that different from prisoners in their ankle bracelets?
Governments and corporations want access to all parts of our lives - right down to our DNA. How can there be privacy or liberty or personal security under such invasive and oppressive circumstances?
Isn't it time to speak out against Big Brother surveillance, and the thought policing of innocent people? Isn't it time we demand governments do something major to end un-warranted spying, and the exploitative use of our personal data?
Think about that, and compare it with the constant monitoring of online behaviour, and the tracking of location and activities of ordinary innocent people - by governments and corporations.
The Internet of Things means that your electricity monitor, your watch, your car, your fridge and your TV etc will also monitor your activity (even your speech) and store that data somewhere; and then exploit it for profit or to manipulate your behaviour.
How are we that different from prisoners in their ankle bracelets?
Governments and corporations want access to all parts of our lives - right down to our DNA. How can there be privacy or liberty or personal security under such invasive and oppressive circumstances?
Isn't it time to speak out against Big Brother surveillance, and the thought policing of innocent people? Isn't it time we demand governments do something major to end un-warranted spying, and the exploitative use of our personal data?
Anyone or anything that so lacks independence, that they cannot escape prying eyes and manipulation; or is forced to allow spying in order to obtain information, or to communicate, or to use a product in the course of activities of daily living - is a prisoner, not free.
Innocent people, the world over, who are spied upon, are not truly free.
(Covert mass surveillance does occur, thanks to collaborative ["I'll spy on your lot, if you spy on mine"] schemes by various states and corporations - that allow their agencies to get around rules that are supposed to protect the privacy of ordinary citizens who have done nothing wrong.)
The widespread exploitative spying by governments and corporations is an absolute scandal.
The widespread exploitative spying by governments and corporations is an absolute scandal.
Without privacy, liberty cannot exist.
Isn't it time to get more conversation going on the vital link between privacy and liberty?
Isn't it time to get more conversation going on the vital link between privacy and liberty?
Men's T-Shirts with this design can be bought here (available size permitting) in sizes Small through 5X plus sizes.
(Note - the watermark is to protect my IP and is not on the actual product)