Choosing the path of least resistance, may, with time, lead to criminality and corruption - is the theme of this Ball Cap
The cap has a front panel design including: a person with their fingers crossed (symbolising dishonest, untrustworthy opportunists who don't care how they get what they want), a winding river (representing the path of least resistance, opportunism and exploitation), cutting through a mountain (symbolising the circuitous path the ethically bankrupt may take to get away with what they want), and a clock to symbolise that such people may eventually become quite crooked.
It is summed up in the words on the design:
Like a river, those who choose the path of least resistance, may with time become crooked.
If you don't approve of this kind of behaviour, especially by politicians, public officials and others who should be honest and represent the public interest, you can show what you think by wearing this cap which is available here 👇
This design is also available on men's and women's T-Shirts at my online store: