Heaven vs Hell Immigration Control themed man's T-Shirt
The theme of this man's black short sleeved T-shirt compares the immigration policies of Heaven to Hell on the front and back.
The panel on the front of the T-Shirt (mainly in blues) features angels, angel feathers and a locked gate with the words - Heaven has Immigration Control.
The panel on the back of the T-Shirt (mainly in reds) features an open gate to the fires of hell, with the devil peering through the flames with the words - Hell has Open Borders.
You can find this T-Shirt here.
It is available in a variety of styles of tops for men and women. It is also available on other products.

one level, this design relates to the widespread Christian belief that
God is particular about who enters heaven. According to Christian
tradition, the souls of the departed are not allowed into heaven unless
they meet good character criteria. Similar beliefs that heaven doesn't
have open gates - are held by other religions. The devil on the other hand welcomes everyone into hell.
But this design is not really about religion.
These designs are a symbolic commentary on the open borders vs sovereign borders debate.
These designs are not anti-immigration.
I am an immigrant. Many of my friends are immigrants. I think immigration and multiculturalism is good, but immigration needs to be controlled.
In my view the demand by globalists for open borders poses a significant socioeconomic threat to any country and is an existential threat to social democracies.
Being against open borders is not the same as being anti-immigration
(though the globalist propagandists pushing open borders would have you think otherwise.)
Ask yourself - How do you think public health care or public education or
any other publicly funded services could survive if a country could not
control the numbers in it's borders? How can there be assurance of adequate housing, food, education and medical facilities if there is no control over who can enter and live in a country, and those who enter are able to do what they want (regardless of the consequences on the citizens and permanent residents who live there)? Don't you think that foreign criminals, fraudsters, drug lords and other gangs (or worse) would come in too?
Globalist multinationals and elites don't want any border obstructions to their
profiteering opportunities to raid resources and profit from any country
in the world. Globalists rely on people not thinking; and they and their propagandists push
the notion that it is inhumane and evil, if everyone doesn't go along with
their globalist open border demands. They want every man and his dog (and especially multinational corporations) to be
able to go anywhere in the world they want - without border control or regulations - regardless of the consequences on local citizens, permanent residents, publicly funded services or local businesses.
Globalists don't want the public to be fully informed or engaged in informed debate. They want a dumbed down citizenry who fail to respond soon enough or strong enough to threats to the public interest from the demands they make.
Wealthy globalists would be fine with national sovereignty and social democracy
being disrupted or destroyed due deteriorating socioeconomic conditions; because that would weaken the
ability of local citizens and residents to object to corporate raiding (a
situation which open borders would facilitate) and obstruct their plans.
As a general trend, globalists seem to be autocratic, oligarchic, undemocratic - and profoundly self centered. They are creating and pushing neo-feudalism, and are proud to be at the pinnacle of power and wealth. Make no mistake, their push for open borders is all about unfettered opportunity for their own profit - they don't really care about others.
These designs symbolize the controversy caused by globalist New World Order, Anti-Sovereign Nation - Open Border Think.