Heaven has Immigration Control - Woman's T-Shirt
This navy blue V-necked women's T-Shirt has a design panel on the back which features closed gates, angels and angel feathers, and the message - Heaven has Immigration Control.
On the front there is a small panel with angel wings.
On one level, this design relates to the widespread Christian belief that God is particular about who enters heaven. According to Christian tradition, the souls of the departed are not allowed into heaven unless they meet good character criteria. Similar beliefs that heaven doesn't have open gates - are held by other religions.
This design is not intended as an anti-immigration theme. I am an immigrant. Many of my friends are immigrants. In my view, immigration and muticulturalism are good things, but immigration has to be controlled. Open borders pose a serious socio-economic threat to social democracies.
Being against open borders is not the same as being anti-immigration.
Politically, this design relates to the desire of of sovereign nations (symbolized by heaven) to control their borders (symbolized by the closed gates guarded by angels) as a matter of national security - in order to avoid the socioeconomic and national security risks inherent in the demand for open borders by multinational globalists. Open borders would allow any person or entity who wanted to, to come in and do whatever they want in the country - regardless of the consequences on the citizens or permanent legal residents.
Globalists appear for the most part to believe in a global world order, controlled by multinational elites. They don't want national sovereignty, and don't want sovereign borders that restrict who can enter, and what they can do. The demands of globalists are amplified by traditional and social media (which are generally owned or controlled by globalists).
Immigration control does not mean immigrants are not allowed in - but like heaven, they have to meet entry criteria.
In my view, free wheeling globalist open borders think - represents a substantial socioeconomic threat to nation states. How can there be publicly funded universal health care and education or other publicly funded services, if a country cannot control the numbers of people entering the country, who would demand the same rights and access as citizens and permanent residents?
How is employment (necessary for the taxes to pay for publicly funded services) going to cope with globalist multinationals buying up local resources then sending the work offshore, or employing foreign nationals to come do the work (ignoring local skilled workers)? How safe will we be if anyone (including criminals, gang members or worse) can enter the country due to unrestricted entry?
A 2017 report predicts that by 2030, as many as 800 million jobs could be lost worldwide due to automation. In the US alone it is anticipated that between 39 and 73 million jobs stand to be automated. 5% of current occupations will be completely automated; and 60% of other occupations will be partly automated.
Don't you thank that the globalist multinationals who choose outsourced or illegal immigrant labour at slave like wages, instead of employing locals - would choose a machine over a man or woman?
The potential severely disruptive effect of open borders on social democracies, in light of what almost certainly lies ahead employment wise, would likely be very negative.
But, despite the common sense grounds for criticism of open borders, criticism of the demands for open borders is generally suppressed by globalist multinational media platforms.
To them, anyone who wants sovereign nations or objects to global plundering by multinationals, is engaged in "politically incorrect" think. Politically incorrect think is not allowed by the Big Brother browsers and platforms. Such voices and messages tend to be suppressed, and buried well behind the ads and messages they want pushed - so they can't be found, and potentially counter the pro-globalism and pro-open borders messages that they relently push.
Think about this control of information, and Big Brother policing of forbidden opinion or thought in the context of the rigid control of speech and thought by Big Brother of Orwell's 1984.
If you believe in national sovereignty and immigration control - you can have your say regardless of what the globalist Big Browsers think, by wearing one of these T-shirts, available here.