29 June, 2022

A Walk in the Rain, an a Wetlands greeting card with Royal Spoonbill, Frog and Water Lilies

 A Walk in the Rain

This is a Wetlands Themed Greeting Card. It features an arty-style rendering of a Royal Spoonbill bird, water lilies, and a frog on in a swampy wetlands bog on a rainy day.

My design on this blank, multi-purpose card is intended to entertain, and also to serve as a reminder of the importance of conserving wetlands.

The design featured on this product is copyright.

It is not to be copied, reproduced or distributed in any form without my written consent.


The card measures approximately 178 x 126 mm.

It is printed on 280 gsm Fine Art card stock.

The inside is coloured but blank, so you can add your own greeting.

It comes with a strong brown kraft paper envelope (about 195 x 138 mm - so you can fit a letter in it).

The card can fit in an A5 frame.


The card is available from Etsy here:


A greeting card featuring an arty rendering of a spoonbill bird and a frog in a bog on a rainy day.



Please support my efforts to get people thinking and talking about important issues, by buying products with my designs on them, and use them to get conversations going.


You can find more of my designs on various products at:




Thought behind this design:

Wetlands are seasonally or permanently flooded for weeks or months. Marshes, swamps, flood plains, bayou, fens and bogs are examples of wetlands. They may be salt-water, fresh water or brackish (slightly salty, such as estuaries). 

Wetlands play a role in water purification, they stabilize shore lines, and they have a role in flood control. They are an important focus of environmental conservation.

26 June, 2022

Freedom requires free speech and free thought, a card promoting freedom

Freedom, a card to provoke thought and debate about the importance of free speech and free thought

My design on this card is intended to stimulate thought and debate about freedom.

The card measures approximately 178 x 126 mm.

It is printed on 280 gsm Fine Art card stock.

The inside is coloured but blank, so you can add your own greeting.

It comes with a strong brown kraft paper envelope (about 195 x 138 mm - so you can fit a letter in it).

The card can fit in an A5 frame.

The design featured on this product is copyright.It is not to be copied, reproduced or distributed in any form without my written consent.The card is available from Etsy here:


Please support my efforts to get people thinking and talking about important issues, by buying products with my designs on them, and use them to get conversations going.

You can find more of my designs on various products at:




This card features an eagle in flight and test related to the importance of free speech and free thought.

The thought behind it:

In a civilised society we cannot be totally free to say or do whatever we want. For example we aren't free to kill or rape. We aren't free to threaten to murder or harm people, or damage their property. We aren't free to act in a way that could harm others such as reckless or drunk driving. We aren't free to steal or defraud people. We aren't free to take part in crime, or encourage or enable crime. We aren't free to incite, encourage or enable violence. Such restrictions on personal freedom are to protect society, and are justified for the common good. 

However, we are increasingly being corralled into a totalitarian-like restriction of permitted language and thought, by powerful and influential groups with agendas; which have weaponised the internet, and undermine the internet as a public commons of exchange of information, ideas and opinion. 

There is a famous book, written by Ray Bradbury called Fahrenheit 451. It is about a dystopian future when books are banned, because someone might be offended by what they read or saw in a book. The result is an ignorant, easy to control society.

George Orwell's classic book, 1984 was about a dystopian future which involved perpetual surveillance by Thought Police on the look-out for "thoughtcrime" (those who swayed from dictated group think, or who dared show the slightest sign they weren't in agreement with The Party and Big Brother's policies or who questioned things when the state altered history and facts to suit their purpose. The Party and Big Brother progressively narrowed and changed permitted language. 

Consider the current control of information we are exposed to - the push of certain ideas and notions of what is true or false, right or wrong, good or bad, normal or abnormal - and the suppression of counter-arguments.

How can the public be fully informed and make independent decisions if The Party (governments) and Big Brother (internet platforms) manipulate information and suppress or outright censor information or arguments they don't want the public to hear?

"Freedom requires free speech and free thought.
We must be able to think for ourselves, and say what we think out loud - whether we are right or wrong, serious or silly, or offer praise or criticism, or a different opinion.
Bar the restriction of the incitement or encouragement to commit violence or crime, if what we are allowed to say or think is controlled - we are not free."


25 June, 2022

Globalopoly, the Empire Game

Globalopoly, the Empire Game, Let's start talking about what globalisation is really about, insatiable greed and power

My design on this card is intended to raise thought and debate about globalism, imperialism, wars for profit and power; and the designs by oligopolists and members of the surveillance-security-war industry along with powerful multinational corporations for world control. 


The card measures approximately 140 x 140 mm.

It is printed on 280 gsm Fine Art card stock.

The inside is coloured but blank, so you can add your own greeting.

It comes with a strong brown kraft paper envelope (about 155 x 155 mm - so you can fit a letter in it).


The design featured on this product is copyright.

It is not to be copied, reproduced or distributed in any form without my written consent.

The card is available from Etsy here:




Please support my efforts to get people thinking and talking about important issues, by buying products with my designs on them, and use them to get conversations going.


You can find more of my designs on various products at:

The thought behind Globalopoly:

It took four months to design Globalopoly. The original was on a large canvas. It was part of my Reality Check art exhibit.

It tended to gather quite a crowd when I displayed it at the market. People thought it was a game. It's not a game. In a game there is equal opportunity at the start.

Globalopoly is all about insatiable greed for profit and power that benefits a relative few. There is no equal opportunity in Globalopoly. The whole point of oligopolies, monopolies, imperialistic wars and "free [from regulation] global trade" is to eliminate domestic regulations and domestic competition in favour of the interests of multinational oligopolists and monopolists.

Each of the landing squares is a satirical commentary on power plays, profit opportunities, opportunism and lack of scruples which tends to be characteristic of machiavellian global oligopolists. It also highlights the profiteering opportunities derived from wars; and the perceived "catastrophe" Peace constitutes to the war industry. 

The Opposite of Courage is Unquestioning Conformity

The Opposite of Courage is Unquestioning Conformity, Puppets Don't Think

My design on this card is intended to inspire thought and debate on critical thinking, and the efforts of shadow puppet masters to control the information we see, hear or read, in order to manipulate us, and control what we believe to be true or false, right or wrong, normal or abnormal, or to distract us or make us feel powerless and apathetic.


The card measures approximately 140 x 140 mm.
It is printed on 280 gsm Fine Art card stock.
The inside is coloured but blank, so you can add your own greeting.
It comes with a strong brown kraft paper envelope (about 155 x 155 mm - so you can fit a letter in it).


The design featured on this product is copyright.

It is not to be copied, reproduced or distributed in any form without my written consent.


The card is available from Etsy here:



This is a card featuring a puppet and puppeteer and the words "The opposite of courage is unquestioning conformity. Puppets don't think." 

Please support my efforts to get people thinking and talking about important issues, by buying products with my designs on them, and use them to get conversations going.


You can find more of my designs on various products at:



Thoughts behind this card:

I designed this card to stimulate thought and discussion on the importance of critical thinking and free thought. We should investigate and engage in open-minded and tolerant debate - rather than blindly accept what we see, read or hear on traditional media or online.

This theme also relates to the importance of having the courage to stand up for what we believe is normal, right, reasonable or good - versus being afraid to say what we think. Chilling of free thought and free speech as a result of toxic cancel culture - which is a form of authoritarian censorship designed to force the public to fall into line with the belief systems of certain individuals or special interest groups - is incompatible with a roundly informed public, democracy, or liberty.

This card is for critical thinkers, who chew over the evidence, and resist having unverifiable assertions forced on them. It's for those who have the courage to stand up and speak out for what they believe in.

It is also for those who may need a reminder that we live in an era of fake news, rampant propaganda, and crooked people out to exploit anyone and everyone. Being naive, and easily manipulated through one's emotions, weaknesses, and bad habits is not a good thing in these circumstances.

Trust is the Glue of Life

Trust is the Glue of Life - Trust Bonds Relationships, Distrust Breaks Relationships 

My design on this card is intended to get people thinking and talking about the importance of trust.


The design featured on this product is copyright.

It is not to be copied, reproduced or distributed in any form without my written consent.

The card measures approximately 178 x 126 mm.

It is printed on 280 gsm Fine Art card stock.

The inside is coloured but blank, so you can add your own greeting.

It comes with a strong brown kraft paper envelope (about 195 x 138 mm - so you can fit a letter in it).

The card can fit in an A5 frame.


The card is available from Etsy here:



A card illustrating the idea that trust is the glue of life



Please support my efforts to 


You can find more of my designs on various products at:




This card was designed by me to trigger thought and conversation on the importance of trust. Trust is directly related to truth, honesty, transparency integrity, and accountability.

Lies, deception, secrecy and other forms of dishonesty are nails in the casket in which trust will be buried.